A Couple of Top Considerations When Selecting Tiles for Your Home

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Installing Water Features In Your Garden Hello! My name is Tina and this is my new blog. I am lucky enough to live in a wonderful home which has a large garden. I spent a long time learning all I could about home and garden design. I had the interior of my home renovated and new trees planted in the garden. However, I still felt that something was missing. One day, my friend came around to visit and suggested that I install a small pond and a fountain in the garden. I contacted a contractor who came around and advised me on the best features. I hope you like my blog.



One material that most people can concur is ubiquitous in Australian homes is tile. Tiles are incredibly versatile, making them an excellent choice no matter what room in your house you are renovating. Nonetheless, this myriad of options can also be somewhat of a drawback because you can become overwhelmed by the choices that are available to you. A simple trick to working with tiles for your remodel is having some clarity on what your individual needs are. With those needs in mind, the following are a couple of the top considerations to bear when selecting tiles for your home.

Maintenance of the tiles

Since tiles come in a variety of materials, they subsequently will have different maintenance needs. Thus, it is crucial for you to be aware of how labour intensive the maintenance will be and base your decision on whether you would be capable of handling the upkeep.

For instance, marble tiles are a much sought after tiling option, especially if you have a flexible budget. However, for your marble tiles to stay attractive for the long term, you would have to take extensive measures to prevent etching and other cosmetic damages that would depreciate their appearance.

Unglazed tiles are another popular option as they add some tactile appeal to your space, but they would also careful maintenance to prevent the excessive absorption of water. Overall, before you go out and purchase your tile, make sure that you will be up to the task of keeping them well maintained.

Location of the tiles

The second thing to consider seriously before deciding on tiling for your home would be the primary function that the tiles will be tasked with. A mistake some people make is buying an entire batch of tiles and assume they will promote uniformity by being able to be installed anywhere in the home.

First of all, as a rule of thumb, you should note that although floor tiles can work well on both floors and walls, not all wall tiles can be used as floor tiles. Secondly, consider the aesthetic that you would like to create. For example, if you are installing tiles in a bathroom that receives minimal natural light, you may want to consider tiles with reflective surfaces that would increase the amount of light in the room.

Lastly, consider the environment. Tiles may be associated with bathrooms and kitchen, but not all materials would be capable of withstanding consistently wet conditions.

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