When and Why to Call an Interior Designer

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Installing Water Features In Your Garden Hello! My name is Tina and this is my new blog. I am lucky enough to live in a wonderful home which has a large garden. I spent a long time learning all I could about home and garden design. I had the interior of my home renovated and new trees planted in the garden. However, I still felt that something was missing. One day, my friend came around to visit and suggested that I install a small pond and a fountain in the garden. I contacted a contractor who came around and advised me on the best features. I hope you like my blog.



You may not give much thought as to the look of your home's interior and may have white paint on the walls left over from the last owner or the builder, with little artwork and few accessories. However, an interior designer can create a warm and welcoming space that you really enjoy, and that you're proud to use for entertaining. If you've never used an interior designer before, note when and why you might call them and how they can help interior design your space.

Your home gives you stress

When you walk through the door of your home, you should feel relaxed and calm. However, if you feel stressed instead, it may be that a space is too cluttered and busy, or that it's empty and bare. If you don't know how to pare down clutter, or how to add artwork and accessories without making the space crowded, a designer can help. They can show you ways of opening up the space and suggest what cluttered items to remove, and work with you to add cosy and relaxing touches so that the home feels warm and welcoming.

You can't entertain in the home

If there never seems to be enough places for everyone to sit when you invite friends over to your home, or things get crowded between the family room and the outside deck, an interior designer may be able to help. They can suggest better seating options, such as a sectional sofa versus a standard sofa and chairs, and a larger entertainment centre that allows the TV to be easily seen from all areas of the room. Rearranging the furniture inside can also open up traffic areas to the patio space, so entertaining is more comfortable for everyone.

You've tried decorating on your own

If you've tried bringing in artwork and accessories or rearranging the home's furniture, and the space still doesn't seem relaxing and "finished," call a decorator. They may offer simple suggestions for the type and size of artwork that would work in a room, show you how to best arrange furniture according to its size, and how to add accessories that create warmth and cosiness. They may even suggest a certain paint colour on the wall to brighten the space or make it feel warmer, or note what pieces in the room feel cold and impersonal, and detract from the overall look you're trying to create. Their simple suggestions can help create an interior that you love, and which you're proud to use for entertaining.

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